
Therapy is a special journey that a person takes to heal their life, fix a part of their life that they feel is not whole or it can also be about self discovery, finding out who you are and/or who you would like to be. If someone is brave enough to seek out therapy, then they are moving in the right directions towards helping themselves to meet their goals. When we are pushed toward something that we are not wanting to do or are not ready to do, it is our natural instinct to push back or move away until we are able to recognize that we can not change on our own. Even when those around us see us struggle; we are not always ready to accept the help we need to make positive change. Resistance can cause us to lose friends, family and loved ones. It is my honor and privilege to help you with this journey.

Topic of the month
Anxiety is something that effects everyone at some time in their life. It is crippling, often times effecting everyday functioning (not able to sleep, not able to go to work/school, or unable to function fully in work or school, relationships with friends or family). Don't continue to live your life with constant worry and angst. Anxiety is something that is treatable and manageable. How you ask? Contact me and find out now.

Here is a list of articles on anxiety that you might find useful in your quest to separate anxiety from your life:
http://www.cnn.com/2014/01/08/living/anxiety-coping/ (Living with anxiety, searching for joy)
http://www.helpguide.org/articles/anxiety/therapy-for-anxiety-disorders.htm (Therapy for Anxiety Disorders)
http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/7603.php (What is anxiety? What causes anxiety?)
http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/anxiety-disorders/index.shtml (What are Anxiety Disorders?)
http://www2.massgeneral.org/schoolpsychiatry/info_anxiety.asp (Anxiety: Generalized Anxiety Disorder)